Best quotes by Qin Shi Huang

Qin Shi Huang Quotes

Qin Shi Huang previously Zheng, King of Qin (秦王政), personal name Yíng Zhèng (嬴政) or Zhào Zhèng (趙政), was the founder of the Qin dynasty and the first emperor of a unified China. He became China's first emperor when he was 38 after the Qin had conquered all of the other Warring States and unified all of China in 221 BC. Rather than maintain the title of "king" (王 wáng) borne by the previous Shang and Zhou rulers, he ruled as the First Emperor (始皇帝) of the Qin dynasty from 221 BC to 210 BC. His self-invented title "emperor" (皇帝 huángdì) would continue to be borne by Chinese rulers for the next two millennia. ...more